
Our lab is located in the Coastal Biology Building in the beautiful city of Santa Cruz

Undergraduate Researchers

Undergraduate students will need to commit to at least 2 quarters. Students are not accepted on a volunteer basis but must join the lab for research credit. Students and PI will design a research project together, set up a timeline with benchmarks, and will have regular meetings to discuss progress and goals. Students that  stay in  the lab for more than 1 year will be able to design independent research projects. If interested, please send an email ( answering the following questions: 1) why are you interested in joining this lab? 2) what are your broad research interests and career goals? 3) what is a specific topic in the lab that you would be interested in? Please also include any relevant biology classes or research experience.

Graduate Students

Students in the lab will learn molecular biology techniques, bioinformatics, and scientific writing. While my research focuses on cnidarians, I am open to working with other invertebrates in addressing questions under the scope of the lab. Graduate students are admitted through the EEB program. Perspective students will be encouraged and supported in applying for independent funding. Please be aware of deadlines, requirements and eligibility. If interested please email a PDF document with a cover letter, CV, and 1 page research statement.


If you are interested in joining the lab as a postdoctoral researcher, please email to discuss possibilities.